About Me

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I am a daughter of a King most High, Christ Jesus. I can with confidence say that when I die, there I will be in the presence of my Father. I live in his Spirit daily and He reigns in my heart and in my life. Because of what Jesus has done in my life, He has wiped out addiction to drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and sexual immorality (including homosexuality and pornography), jealousy, anger, fear, hopelessness, anxiety disorder, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression, hate, selfishness, and much more from my life. He replaced it with, love, peace, joy, long-suffering, and gentleness. I am confident in that God sent his only son, Jesus, who humbled himself as a man and never sinned, took on our sins and because of who he was, was beaten to the point where he was no longer recognizable as a man, and crucified for our sins, died, was buried, and rose again! Hallelujah! He paid the price for all who will believe. I hope you will find this peace as we study the Word of God, and grow closer in relationship with the Father.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Welcome friends,
It is so awesome to have been given by God the privilege and responsibility to share the Word of God as truth in a world that needs it and wisdom to those who will open their hearts to receive the Gospel message of hope in their lives.

I am Susan Peterson, a mother of two adult children, daughter of two loving parents, and most of all I am a child of the Most High God. Seven years ago, God called me to ministry after asking Him in my heart two years prior. I went to Bible college at Liberty University online for two and a half years and at that point I got injured in a domestic abuse situation and began to doubt God's plan in my life. I was hurt physically and spiritually, I left the church completely and didn't want anything to do with the church or God (Proverbs 16:9). Two years ago, I moved into a better place, and began to attend Fortsonia Baptist Church in Elberton, Georgia with my family. I started slow, with a women's bible study and then to church services. However, God has a plan for our lives always and knows how to touch and use your life to his Glory (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

Six months ago, God began to speak to me again in my heart about my life. He wanted me to surrender everything to Him completely (Romans 6:1-14), all the junk in my life to be gone, and heal me both physically and spiritually. I had lost faith in that God is able and His power is unmeasurable. I now have a Father who loves me and loves live inside of me (Holy Spirit), because I threw away all the junk. Two months ago, God spoke to me and said to me He wanted to be the treasure in my heart (Matthew 6:21 or Luke 12:34) and wanted me to delight in His Word and be at peace with Him (Romans 2:1-11).

I can testify only to what God has done in my life and what I have seen done through others. I know for a fact, He is capable of everything, and anything you need he will supply it when we seek after His face and wisdom by a daily study in the message of hope, the Bible.