1 Peter Chapter One
Summary of Chapter:
Foreknowledge: English meaning: awareness of something before it exists
Greek word for holy: from a primary root; sacred, holy:--Holy, Holy of Holies,
holy one, holy ones, holy place, most holy, saint(s), sanctuary (1 Peter 1:16)
holy one, holy ones, holy place, most holy, saint(s), sanctuary (1 Peter 1:16)
English meanings:
Sacred: connected with God or dedicated to a religious purpose and so
deserving veneration (great respect; reverence), embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion.
deserving veneration (great respect; reverence), embodying the laws or doctrines of a religion.
Holy of Holies: the inner chamber of the sanctuary in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem,
separated by a veil from the outer chamber. It was reserved for the presence of God
and could be entered only by the High Priest on the Day of Atonement; a place regarded
as most sacred or special.
separated by a veil from the outer chamber. It was reserved for the presence of God
and could be entered only by the High Priest on the Day of Atonement; a place regarded
as most sacred or special.
Holy: dedicated or consecrated to God or a religious purpose; sacred.
Holy ones: Those who are clean, particularly in a spiritual or moral sense; it also denotes
persons set apart for the service of God, in heaven or on earth.
persons set apart for the service of God, in heaven or on earth.
Holy One: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit
Saint(s): a very virtuous, kind, or patient person; a person acknowledged as holy or virtuous
Sanctuary: a place of refuge or safety, a holy place; a temple or church
Greek word preparing: 328 to prepare; to gird up (English meaning of gird: encircle, surround, secure
Greek word sober: 3525 to be sober; to abstain from wine:--keep sober, sober
(English meaning sober: serious, sensible, solemn
(English meaning sober: serious, sensible, solemn
Greek word mind: 1271 the mind, disposition, thought:--mind, minds, thoughts, understanding
English meanings:
Disposition: a person’s inherent qualities of mind and character, where something
is placed in relation to another
is placed in relation to another
Understanding: the ability to understand something, comprehension
Mind: the element of a person that enables them to be aware of the world and
their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought
their experiences, to think, and to feel; the faculty of consciousness and thought
Minded: inclined to think in a particular way
Greek word fix: 1679 to expect, to hope for: expect, expected, fixed...hope,
hope, hopes, set...hope, trust
hope, hopes, set...hope, trust
English meanings:
Fix: fasten on securely, decide or settle on a decision
Expect: regard as something likely to happen, regard as likely to do or be something,
believe that someone or something will arrive soon
believe that someone or something will arrive soon
Expected:regarded as likely, anticipated
Hope:a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen, a feeling of trust
Hopes: expecting something to happen
Trust: firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something, believe in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or somethingSummary of Chapter:
We have divine wisdom from the Holy Spirit living within us, and God’s infallible word of truth, as our instruction for obedience to Jesus Christ and His salvation. Ephesians 2:8-9 says, “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” He showed us this grace on the cross before we existed with all of us on His mind. “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:8 Because of our faith in Christ Jesus, and His living hope through His resurrection from the dead, we have now an inheritance in the Kingdom of heaven as sons and daughters of the King of kings and Lord of lords. This rebirth as children of God, and our obedience to follow Him by faith, is the outward sign to those who are lost in the world. We are reborn to be set apart from the rest of the world. My daughter and I had a conversation where her co-workers called her weird for ordering a happy meal on her break. I told her it was okay to be weird, and that we are supposed to be weird, because we are Jesus
freaks. We are in the eyes of the world freaks of nature because of their lack of understanding why
we rejoice in a God who no matter how the world defines Him or deny Him, they make Him up in
their own image of who He is and make an idol out of a passive aggressive god who approves of
their lives in sin. True Christians, or “lifestyle Christians” as they call us today, rejoice even though
trials of the world come our way, because we understand and know by faith that in the end Jesus
won the victory over our circumstances and we have a promise of hope waiting in heaven for us.
Amen. Hallelujah! Though we get tested time and again, our firm faith in Jesus, becomes more
valuable to us than the riches of this world. Our faith value gets more pure and stronger as it
gets tested by the judgments of this world. Unless the world experiences what we know by faith
to be true, they base their feelings on how they feel rather than facts we know are proven true.
The Gospel message was predicted hundreds of years before the birth of Christ Jesus, and so
the like of His death, burial, and resurrection. The hope of our salvation has been proven in Roman
historical records in history, concerning the same. Yet, the world will bend over backwards to either
cover up, distort, or destroy evidence of the truth so they can continue to live in disobedience to
God the creator of all things.
we rejoice in a God who no matter how the world defines Him or deny Him, they make Him up in
their own image of who He is and make an idol out of a passive aggressive god who approves of
their lives in sin. True Christians, or “lifestyle Christians” as they call us today, rejoice even though
trials of the world come our way, because we understand and know by faith that in the end Jesus
won the victory over our circumstances and we have a promise of hope waiting in heaven for us.
Amen. Hallelujah! Though we get tested time and again, our firm faith in Jesus, becomes more
valuable to us than the riches of this world. Our faith value gets more pure and stronger as it
gets tested by the judgments of this world. Unless the world experiences what we know by faith
to be true, they base their feelings on how they feel rather than facts we know are proven true.
The Gospel message was predicted hundreds of years before the birth of Christ Jesus, and so
the like of His death, burial, and resurrection. The hope of our salvation has been proven in Roman
historical records in history, concerning the same. Yet, the world will bend over backwards to either
cover up, distort, or destroy evidence of the truth so they can continue to live in disobedience to
God the creator of all things.
We Christians, Peter instructs us to be prepared in our minds, and “hope fully on the grace that
will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:13) He says this because he
knows that if faith is not practiced daily, the foreknowledge he spoke of (being the Bible) read and
meditated on daily, and prayer being done...it is easy to fall back into former sins. He says in
1 Peter 1:14-21,
will be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” (1 Peter 1:13) He says this because he
knows that if faith is not practiced daily, the foreknowledge he spoke of (being the Bible) read and
meditated on daily, and prayer being done...it is easy to fall back into former sins. He says in
1 Peter 1:14-21,
“As obedient children, not conforming yourselves to the former lusts, as in your ignorance; but as
He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am
holy.” And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work,
conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; knowing that you were not
redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition
from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times
for you who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that
your faith and hope are in God.”
He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, because it is written, “Be holy, for I am
holy.” And if you call on the Father, who without partiality judges according to each one’s work,
conduct yourselves throughout the time of your stay here in fear; knowing that you were not
redeemed with corruptible things, like silver or gold, from your aimless conduct received by tradition
from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.
He indeed was foreordained before the foundation of the world, but was manifest in these last times
for you who through Him believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and gave Him glory, so that
your faith and hope are in God.”
Peter goes on to instruct us to purify our souls through our obedience to the truth in the word of God,
and demonstrate brotherly love with sincerity and urge each other to continue to be obedient to the
truth. He talks about being reborn with an imperishable seed because we live and abide in the word
of God and living out the Gospel to the world.
and demonstrate brotherly love with sincerity and urge each other to continue to be obedient to the
truth. He talks about being reborn with an imperishable seed because we live and abide in the word
of God and living out the Gospel to the world.
Please continue to support this blog. God has given me this gift and I use it to His glory.
I am not a weekly blogger as I hoped to become, but I am studying and remaining obedient to
teaching here what He speaks to me to instruct. The message remains the same and it is all about
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and growing in a lifestyle of Christianity in the present day.
Please follow me on social media: Facebook @YourChosenChildren and
Instagram #yourchosenchildren. I love you family, but remember, Jesus loves you the most.
I am not a weekly blogger as I hoped to become, but I am studying and remaining obedient to
teaching here what He speaks to me to instruct. The message remains the same and it is all about
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and growing in a lifestyle of Christianity in the present day.
Please follow me on social media: Facebook @YourChosenChildren and
Instagram #yourchosenchildren. I love you family, but remember, Jesus loves you the most.
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